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rubbing 拓本

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第28章 rubbing 拓本

The Classics

Despite the “bibliocaust“ in which the first emperor of the Qin dynasty (r. 221–210 BCE) burned books other than legal and essential professional texts, many works of pre-Qin literature survive, thanks to their preservation in those historical works that were spared burning. The designation of select texts as “classics“ images promoted the prestige of these early writings. These classics evolved through the accretion of mentaries, most of which interpreted earlier texts in order to legitimate given rulers or political orientations.







Since the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) the “Five Classics“ refer to a divination manual, the Classic of Changes 易经; the oldest anthology of poems, the Classic of Poetry 诗经; a collection of speeches and decrees, the Classic of Documents 书经; a historical chronicle, the Springs and Autumns 春秋; and three handbooks of rules for behavior named together as the Ritual 礼. Thanks to the invention of paper (second century BCE), these classics were carved in stone to produce rubbings and memorized by almost all educated Chinese.


divination manual「短语」占卜指南(即《易经》)

A broader sense of authoritative writings came with the fourth-century division of texts into four main categories. This taxonomy made classics primary and history secondary, followed by the “masters“(thinkers later called philosophers), and collections of belles lettres. Rich in aphorisms, lively dialogues, fables and anecdotes, texts in the “masters“ category were usually posites of later date that collected a given master's dialogues with disciples or opponents. The rubric also included professional medical, military, and religious texts, including the Daoist and Buddhist canons. Texts that would later be labeled fiction did not generally merit inclusion in any of these categories, all centrally concerned with conveying the Way.



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站内强推巡山:从女儿骑虎炸街开始 报!王爷,王妃开着战斗机杀过来 调教大宋 全球逃生指南 我一个法爷,无限禁咒很正常吧? 这个反派有点良心,但是不多! 开局吞噬技能,我直接顶级天赋 混沌吞天诀 遥远呼声的彼岸 原来公爵不是人 黑屋警告!她被病娇掐腰说要断腿 总有系统不想放过我 洪荒:吾为大天尊,统御诸天! 都市之至尊神豪系统 男神让我强化出来了 我在异世界成为血族真祖 狐舞 俩中二病的异世之旅 娘娘是朵黑心莲 这个玩家画风太过出奇 
经典收藏水之纹 知我罗刹乎 综漫:不合群的生活因女儿改变 苏醒后我要搞事了 从坡道开始 木叶之开局从了大蛇丸 超神学院之铠甲传说 诸天从天龙八部开始 海贼之炎帝降临 一枕长安 旧曾谙 重生最强商女:首席,宠上瘾! 维度仲裁者 精灵宝可梦【智爷崛起】 无慈悲英雄的轨迹 从异世开始的无限夺舍 特工狂妻:血皇大人,轻点咬! 仙秦多元宇宙帝国 斗破之最强宗门 一念禅生 
最近更新开心宝贝之灵嘟岛传奇 维纳斯耶的新书 精灵:从被猎人联盟追杀开始 把蓝忘机和魏无羡拐进高中后 穿越万界,成就世界之龙 末世重生之不负 学长给个机会 战锤:毁灭之刃 睡前小故事情侣版 霸总的小娇夫,他不当了 水浒人传 盗笔之吴小狗恋爱法则 成年男团混进来一个小学生?! 万人迷身陷修罗场 狐妖小红娘之未来之约 原来你也喜欢我呀,早说呀! 泰拉大地的命令与征服 黑西游:佛法东传?我大唐西征 江澄重生后 琪亚娜的万界之旅 
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