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Sequencing children's genomes at birth would also create opportunities to develop treatments for rare conditions that are typically discovered too late and in small numbers. There are reckoned to be about 7,000 rare diseases in the world, affecting 400m people, and most are genetic. At the moment they are so unusual as to be unattractive targets for big pharmaceutical firms. With more and earlier diagnoses, that might change. Such a powerful new technology creates new dangers. Widespread screening for thousands of potentially harmful genes may be counterproductive: some results may worry parents unnecessarily, because some genetic variations, though occasionally indicative of disease, are not strongly so. Parents may not want to unlock all the secrets that their newborn's genome might reveal. Some may indeed prefer not to know about conditions that cannot be treated. Adult-onset illnesses pose a different dilemma—a reasonable position is that it should be up to the children themselves, once grown, to decide whether they want to look at their genomic information. A further concern is that data will not be kept secure, and may be leaked or otherwise misused at some point in the future.


In Britain, where a large project to sequence the genomes of newborn babies is planned to start next year, a consultation process is already grappling with these questions. Some of the broad principles emerging may be applied to similar projects in a number of other European countries, and in America, Australia, China and Qatar. One lesson is to start conservatively. The British project is likely to begin with a small number of extremely reliable tests that will improve the way children are treated. This ensures the testing is for the benefit of the child. Tests that are not firmly diagnostic, or which involve much follow-up work, are not a priority. Control of the data should be passed on to children at adulthood. Finding the time to educate parents, so they can make good decisions, is essential.



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