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大家在看整座大山都是我的猎场 老子修仙回来了 龙门战神 极品天医 死士大军压境,你说要以德服人? 职场小白升职记 美女的贴身医圣 重生96:权力之巅 都市医神狂婿 美女上司的贴身兵王(笑笑星儿) 
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第19章 克隆

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The most terrifying thing was none other than the two godly monarchs.

Their expressions were solemn as their bodies trembled.

“The one who fought us… was not his true body at all…”one of the godly monarchs lamented.

They had never expected that the sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect would use a avatar to force them to such an extent!

More importantly, they had lost a godly monarch!

“It seems that Sima bei is not exaggerating,”said a godly monarch in a low voice.

“Fortunately, the sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect is not on the cultivation mountain. Otherwise…”

The consequences were unimaginable! It was likely that all three of them would die here!

“It’s not good to stay here for long. No one knows if he’s nearby,”said a godly monarch coldly at this moment.

The two exchanged glances and immediately left the heavenly cloud sect.

Only after they left did the many disciples rush up the Cultivation Mountain.

Looking at the Cultivation Mountain that was in a mess, everyone sighed with emotion.

“The Cultivation Mountain is the place where the sect master went into seclusion. Now, it has been reduced to ruins. It really makes people sigh endlessly.”

“That’s not the point. The point is where did the sect master go? Why did he leave behind only an avatar? Isn’t he in seclusion?”

“Could it be that the sect leader has gone to tour the world?”

It wasn’t just them. Many onlookers were also speculating.















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站内强推至尊仙农 末世降临:小尸尸我呀囤囤囤囤! 我一个法爷,无限禁咒很正常吧? 烟雨楼 长生修仙:我有一个分身 武神至尊 武神皇庭 带着任务去修仙 新月之咒 联盟:一首大悲咒,我让全网自闭 喵皇传 盛世暖婚:甜妻宠上天 出狱就离婚,冰山总裁却抢着嫁给我 天降萌宝娘亲是厨神 娱乐圈之神秘老公 农门俏佳媳 华娱从1980开始 生生不灭 我的身体里有主神 成龙历险记之家师刀龙 
经典收藏我的网上日记本 重返奔腾年代 都市:我从锦鲤被妹妹养成神龙 魔帝重生,手把手教你做反派 我的刁蛮上司 太阳照常升起,我照常无敌 我的绝色美女老婆 医婿无双 异界水果大亨 奇人之上 无敌的我,下山收服妖孽师姐 诸天从四合院电工开始 极品小巫医 重生之逍遥仙少 我有一只大熊猫 俺寻思这挺合理的 天命大反派,我能掠夺主角金手指 万族:开局发生变异 耀世麟王 都市之无憾人生 
最近更新借钱被群嘲,高冷校花直接借十万 开局自爆SSS级天赋 兽探星空 都市:无敌仙帝 我在地球上,成为至高神王 网游之鹏婷恋曲 征战超凡诸天 失忆后,她们都说是我女朋友 软萌校花太粘人,我好爱 当世界只能由一人拯救 高武:从继承李氏开始 重生非洲,我成了奥德彪 终末的十二神座 女儿求救,十万大军齐聚 三哥与凤姐的浪漫爱情故事 我一个算命的居然能斩神 逆天行万里 到第九区去 祸害都市,醉卧美人膝 全民抽卡:我每天一张金色传说 
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