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大家在看雷霆武神 诸天地球大融合 收集末日 幼崽保育堂 璀璨王牌 库洛牌的魔法使 我的精灵训练家模拟器 从时间停止开始纵横诸天 影视都市从四合院开始 英雄联盟之逆天外挂 
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《Revelation saints slumbered place》

At first I stubbornly thinking

Human beings are born to die or wonder

Buried easily all dream and ideal

Holding high the banners of interests and wealth

What can you get ?

The world is sorrowfully

Like a cradle full of suffering

Even bending down and praying

Spit soul out

Gods won't look at you more

Clockwork orange, they speak

【I never imagined that our society would be flooded with such machinery.】

Swamp men, they cried

【Why so difficult to bee a plete human being?】

Also i pray it?

We always do useless things over and over again

Deceive ourselves with false illusion

Look, the biggest lie

Tomorrow will be better

【Just like hope.】

But we never had future

It's like time is suspended

We can't move in that place

Unable to move forward

Can not go back

Can give me more possibilities?

【I know the results.】

Steam engine never stoped

Maybe we're all cold machines

As a gear for society

the purest doll

“Willing to break free?“

“It's time to exit!“

【praised and clapped !】

Hook mouth corner

Show standard smile

Practive hundreds of move

Organic white skin

Inorganic dark soul

Built for string theocray

You cut manipulative line

Open Pandora's box

Give me strength

teach me hope

Even though I follow the worng path

【I hope some one can said that “It's alright, there's always next time, you did your best.】

【But none.】

I was torn,regrouped

Collision of ideas

I feel like a new person

If god doesn't care

【It doesn't matter】

I bee a human

【Human being stand on the ground.】

How can i learn to love?


【Fall into dusk, create miracle.】

【I am the observer of all story.】









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最近更新白天冷冰冰的议长,晚上诱哄疯批 宿主乖乖别把门打开 叶罗丽所求皆如愿 综影视之寸心相思意别离 狂飙:安欣你大胆地往前走 无限流之我的男友是大BOSS 第一万朵玫瑰 飓风战魂:折翼天使 小马宝莉之碧玺派的日常生活 那位天使轻点撩 崩铁:镜流师尊的剑首养成计划 IS番外篇:蓝色蒲公英 林总家的娇气包 成为死神:目标全知全能 蔚蓝档案的骑士老师 误穿生子文的直男,逆袭日记! 拿瓦:开局攻略马灵灵 权谋风暴:女神的商战传奇 穿越万界,成就世界之龙 快穿之偏执宠爱 
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